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what we do

No one should have to choose between buying food and basic hygiene care. We work to ensure all have access to hygiene and period products – vital for health and daily life, yet often overlooked and unaffordable for many in our community. There are no government assistance programs to help with these fundamental needs.

By bridging this critical gap, we're creating pathways to better health, confidence, and opportunity for all.

local impact

Thousands of lives have been touched through our work in Lincoln-Lancaster County. Working hand-in-hand with local school districts and nonprofit programs, we help create a healthier community for students, parents, seniors, and neighbors in need, and have provided over 443,000 essential hygiene and period care products to those who need them most.

Hand hygiene
Shaving products

Why Hygiene?

Hygiene is essential for physical health and wellbeing. Without proper hygiene, adults struggle to find employment and children struggle to succeed in school. For both adults and children, there is a loss of a sense of hope about their future. Physical and mental health issues can eventually result.

The SNAP program doesn't cover even the most basic hygiene products. Organizations where people seek assistance often don't have hygiene products available to provide regular help. Lincoln Hygiene Network helps fill this gap by distributing products to direct-service organizations and programs to help them provide more holistic, in-depth services.

hygiene kits

~  Hygiene Poverty  ~

Lack of access to necessary products such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, and period products due to the inability to afford them.


Various styles of Hygiene Kits

A variety of products are provided to meet differing needs

Proper Hygiene Helps Vulnerable Populations

We believe that no one should have to choose between a meal or necessary hygiene products. Unfortunately, this a choice many living in or near the poverty level have to face. Even when individuals turn to community organizations providing low-income assistance, there is a lack of basic hygiene care and period products.


Lincoln Hygiene Network helps eliminate some of the barriers to be a part of the solution of breaking out of the poverty cycle.

community Health

Access to basic hygiene is a matter of community health. We provide products through more than 25 school districts and nonprofit programs creating a more equitable community where all have the opportunity to be healthy, thrive, and participate fully in community life.

Regardless of socioeconomic status, everyone needs access to these essential supplies. Our services help preserve and restore health and well-being for anyone experiencing financial hardship who may also be unemployed, unsheltered or at high risk of becoming homeless right here in Lincoln and Lancaster County, Nebraska. 


~  Period Poverty  ~

It's a lack of access to necessary period products due to the inability to afford them.

2 in 5 women in the U.S. struggle to purchase period products due to a lack of income.

Learn about what is being done about Period Poverty in Nebraska.

Always Proud to Be a Period Hero.png

Reducing period poverty in the Lincoln, Nebraska area.

Always and Walmart have designated Lincoln Hygiene Network a Period Hero!

What Hygiene Poverty is and how we help

Your Donation Matters

Every donation, no matter the size, makes an impact. Thank you for your generosity!

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